
My journey into the world of weaving

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Spinning in the raw – still but

Figuring out how to do it smoothly without too much prep work.

Here is the Romney fleece in the bag:
Romney Fleece

And here it is slightly combed, combed at least enough to get the worst tangles and clumps out:
Combed fleece

And here it is on the bobbin! Hard to see what it looks like but I do see the “lavender tint” that was the selling point for me!
On the bobbin

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Spinning away!

I have finished the singles on this particular roving and am now plying.

Once done, then I will begin to spin the romney fleece in the raw! I bought this fleece with my cousin Donna – we split it – from the Commonground Fair. She had actually been looking at white fleeces and then this one caught my eye – “lavender tint” it said on the bag! It was beautiful and fairly clean. Perfect to spin in the raw as we had just seen some spinners doing at the Fair.

So I will begin this in the next few days! Donna, have you started spinning yours yet?