
My journey into the world of weaving

Weaving begun on scarf


This is fun! I’ve had this “pumpkin juice” wool-silk for a year! It seems I haven’t dared or known what to weave with it. I knew I wanted a pattern that showed off the “pumpkin”.

I am pretty happy thus far with the results! I have woven 10 inches so far – it goes very quickly with only a width of 7 inches on the loom! I selected a canvas weave alternating with a modified tabby. I love it! I do love working with color and texture.

Pumpkin scarf

4 thoughts on “Weaving begun on scarf

  1. This is going to be beautiful. Well, it already is beautiful! How did you modify the tabby? I assume you are treadling canvas weave for the overshots and tabby for the rest?

  2. Very nice!!! Very nice, indeed. Is this to sell or are you going to keep it for yourself?

  3. To answer Peg, I am weaving two repeats of the canvas and six of the tabby. Because of the threading, there’s an extra end in the tabby. It’s not a true tabby.
    To answer Meg, my goodness, sell? No it will be a gift. I don’t know when I’ll ever be confident enough to sell!

  4. Wow, you’ve been busy. I really like this!

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